Wednesday, April 9, 2008

First wish was Gold fish

Master Sudhir (Name changed)was a gleaming 11 year old boy having Brain Tumor/ Colon Carcinoma since 1 year. The physician referred this child to foundation, at such critical stage. So, we planned to meet the kid next day of the referral. On 26th January 2008, we met the child in his residence and interact with him for 2 hours. He is very active, he told everything about his personal life hobbies and interests during interaction.
Since 3 days onwards he was forcing his father for “Come we go to the near tank and catch the fishes.” On behalf of that he didn’t take any food from 3 days and he asked for the round shaped aquarium with gold fish. Then we come to know that he wish to have round shape fish bowl with gold fish. Within 2 hours we brought the fish bowl, gold fish, food and medicines for the fish. As soon as Sagar saw the fish bowl with gold fish, not only he ate the food but also drank some juice. He names the fish as sudhir and pavan and interacts with us for a while. We saw the cherished smile in his face after fulfillment of the wish, though he having tumor in one side of his face. We gave him one more toy which is in stuffed Fish toy.

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